Astrology: Determined Taurus Sun Arrives 4/20/11

The Sun slips into Taurus early on Wednesday April 20, 6:18AM Eastern/ 3:18AM Pacific. Second in line, but the first Earth sign of the zodiac, it is ruled by the sensual love and beauty planet Venus. However, it is also definitely practical in nature when it comes to finances due to an affinity for security. There is comfort to be found in beauty, music and art, but perhaps knowing where the money is too will give feelings of stability in unpredictable times.

The “Bull” is Taurus’ symbol for a reason – stubborn, unwavering in beliefs, will hold on after others have let go of the tug rope, etc.  For the next few weeks we can tap into these traits of strength and perseverance so that we solidify and complete the projects started during the high energy of the previous Aries Sun.

But, stay conscious, know when to let go of the rope. Sometime ya just gotta stop being the “stake” and shift to flexible. Beware of being rigid and overcautious – don’t miss out on an opportunity out of fear. Be practical, yet brave.  What a combo – Yay!

*Taurus (April 20-May 21) = Gem Stone: Rose Quartz / Power color: Soft rose-pink



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